The 30th Weak Arithmetics Days (JAF30) will be co-organized by the University Denis Diderot Paris 7
Extended Deadline for Registration: May 15, 2011
Extended Deadline for Contributions: April 30, 2011
The third day of JAF 30 will be a common day with the french Journées Complexité et Modèles Finis organized by the GDR IM :
DATES: June 20 – 22, 2011.
VENUE: Room: 0C2
175 rue du Chevaleret
Paris 13ème
Subway station : ChevaleretMAIN TOPICS: The meeting will cover traditional topics of the « Days » such as:
- Provability in Weak Arithmetics
- Definability in Weak Arithmetics
- Weak Arithmetics and Model Theory
- Undecidability/decidability/complexity of weak theories
- Modelling computations in logical theories
For more information on Weak Arithmetics visit
WORKING LANGUAGE: The official language of JAF is English.